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Graphics Standards Libraries and Tools

Satellite Mission Analysis Research Toolset

Space Applications Corp. - Seattle

Satellite Mission Analysis Research Toolset (SMART) is a Motif-basedgraphical tool set for satellite mission analysis. It gives analysts thecapability to create displays using a variety of map projections,databases, and resolutions. Analysts can select and display mission datarecords from a commercial relational database management system. (Version1.0 uses ORACLE RDBMS; future versions will support additional RDBMSs.)In addition, users can plot satellite traces (ground traces on maps andorbit traces around globes), payload footprints, and satellite coverageswaths.Since SMART software contains a relational database interface, it caneasily be integrated with existing software to give analysts the abilityto graphically study anything from simple satellite coverage analysis upthrough detailed resource allocation simulations.

Language: ANSI C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: ORACLE 6.0
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Space Applications Corp. - Seattle
1310 Orleans Dr
Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1135
Phone: (206) 656-0140
Fax: (206) 656-0146